You are a part of human nature,
Not everybody enjoys your company.
I learned to cry, to eat, to speak, to watch, to write, to listen…
I grew,
Until one day, I learned to recognize your voice,
Which is part of my own.
I see you when I am concentrated on what I am meant to do.
Sometimes I see your shadow, even when I stand in crowds of people.
No words to be said,
And I long for you.
Some people can’t stand silence.
Is this because they are afraid of hearing
how loud you can be in their hearts?
As in the gap between Yin & Yang,
So in the gap between one thought and the next,
You exist
Although we hardly notice you.
You taught me to like being with myself,
And to appreciate honest friendships in the world.
Maybe you won’t be the one I most want to be with
In my dying moments
Without you
I wouldn’t have got to know myself better.
Stay with me a little longer…